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Table of Contents

Questions? Contact the USENIX Conference Office

IMPORTANT DATES: Pre-Registration Deadline: Friday, September 19, 1997 - Hotel Discount Deadline: Friday, October 3, 1997

Conference Organizers
Program Committee
Chris Ramming, AT&T Labs Research,
Program and General Chair

Thomas Ball, Lucent Bell Laboratories
Gérard Berry, CMA, École des Mines de Paris
Jon Bentley, Lucent Bell Laboratories
Peter Buneman, University of Pennsylvania
Luca Cardelli, Digital Equipment Corporation
Steve Johnson, Transmeta Corporation
Takayuki Dan Kimura, Washington University
Todd Knoblock, Microsoft Research
David Ladd, Spyglass, Speaker Chair
Adam Porter, University of Maryland
Jan Prins, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Conference Activities

Conference Proceedings
One copy of the proceedings is included with your Technical Sessions registration fee. To order additional copies, contact the USENIX Association at 510.528.8649, or send email to:

Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions (BoFS)
Wednesday and Thursday evenings
Do you have a topic that you'd like to discuss with others? Our Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions may be perfect for you. BoFs are very interactive and informal gatherings for attendees interested in a particular topic. Schedule your BoF in advance by sending email to Chris Ramming, Visit the conference web site for the list of BoFs. URL:

Social Events
Meet the conference speakers and connect with other members of the software community. There will be a Welcome Reception on Tuesday evening, a conference luncheon and reception on Wednesday, and a reception on Thursday evening.

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