Because the movement in and may be considered independently [10,6], the seek time can be computed as the greater of the seek times in and . We computed the average seek time when the seek in is greater ( ), and the average seek time when the seek in is greater ( ) and estimated these probabilities and , which add up to 1, to obtain Equation 9. We reason that a higher average seek time in one direction will have a higher impact on the overall seek time, so .
While several models exist to estimate the seek time, the one we adopted is based on simple acceleration rules from Newtonian mechanics [13,10] and is given in Equation 10, for a specified distance . The mover can seek achieve a much higher velocity than is used to read/write because it can accelerate during the seek. At the end of a seek, the data must be accessed by moving in the direction. Therefore, a settle time, (for the mover to position itself accurately) applies only to the calculated seek time in , since the mover has to come to a complete stop in that direction. Notice that seeking takes place within one tip area. Therefore, the seeking distance and the seek time are relatively short, and depend on the mover movement range.
We calculate the average seek time in and as follows. First, we calculate the probability function of an incoming request incurring a certain movement over the tip array either or (we can consider each direction independently). Because the starting sectors are uniformly distributed, the distances in each direction will be the distance between two uniformly distributed starting sectors. This probability will vary linearly with distance and will be at its maximum for a zero displacement, and it will be equal to zero when the displacement is equal to the movement range. The form of the equation is , where and are constants. Because is a probability function, the area under it in the range 0 to , where is the movement range in or , which is will be equal to 1. Additionally, when , the probability is equal to zero, . Using these constraints, we can calculate the values for the constants and , which we substitute back in the expression for to obtain Equation 11:
Unfortunately, we need to calculate seek time distributions, not distance distributions. We can use Equation 10 to express as a function of a displacement , converting Equation 11 from the distance domain to the time domain. This gives us the probability of a seek incurring time in either or . After substituting 250 m/ for the physical parameter acceleration, , we obtain Equation 12:
The movement ranges and in and from Table 1 specify the maximum distance we can move in each direction. We use them in Equation 10 to find the maximum seek time in or , shown in Equation 13.
The actual seek time is the greater of the seek times in and , so the probability distribution function of the seek time when it is greater in one direction than the other will be different than . Reasoning that taking the maximum will bias us towards larger seek times, we approximated with Equation 14.
To solve for the constant factor we integrated from 0 to and normalized it (because it is a probability function). Using our default values for physical parameters, we obtained , or .
The average value of the seek time in one direction, taken over all the requests for which its seek time was greater than that in the other direction, can be estimated by integrating its probability function over all possible times (0 to ), shown in Equation 15.
When we substitute in Equations 12, 13 and 14 for we obtain Equation 16:
Seeking in involves a settling time that we add to the prediction for the average seek time in . The final formulae for seek times in and are shown in Equations 17 and 18.
We can now substitute Equations 17 and 18 in Equation 9 to obtain an expression for the seek time, which is shown in Equation 19.