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In the last 20 years microprocessor speeds have been improving by 50% to 100% per year [12] and memory capacities have been increasing by 60% per year [8]. Unfortunately, secondary storage has not kept pace. There are several limitations for today's disk technologies, such as disk rotational speed, bit density (which is limited by the superparamagnetic effect [23,4]) and read-write head technology [23]. Academia and industry are developing new technologies to bypass these limitations. These technologies include holographic storage [14,20,23], atomic force microscopy (AFM) [11,5,23], and MEMS storage [3,2,6,23]. Each of these storage alternatives has inherent tradeoffs that govern its use in a system. In this paper, we focus on the performance characteristics of one specific new technology: MEMS storage. MEMS storage technology is based on an array of atomically-sharp probe tips that read and write data on the storage medium. While several alternative styles of MEMS storage are currently being explored, all of these anticipated devices share certain common characteristics: they support high throughput, high parallelism and high density. Data is accessed in a disk on a rotating media platter, while in MEMS storage the media does not rotate but moves in a rectilinear fashion. The design space of MEMS storage is particularly interesting because we can architect these devices to different design points, each with different performance characteristics. This makes it more difficult to understand how to use probe-based storage in a system. Exhaustive simulation is at best extremely time-consuming and at worst impossible, depending on the search space. In our experiments it took approximately 20 minutes on an Intel Pentium 3 500MHz machine to run the simulation of a workload using a single configuration. The design space that were concerned with included over a million configurations, and it would take 14 days on a 1000 node cluster to test them all. To address this problem, we have created a parameterized analytical model that computes the average request latency of a MEMS storage device. Our error compared to a simulated device using real-world traces is small (within 15% error for service time). We used this model to identify optimal configurations given such constraints as capacity and throughput.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we describe related work. We present architecture and design layout of a MEMS storage device in Section 3. In Section 4 we derive the equations governing the service time of a MEMS storage device under uniformly distributed accesses. We use this model to identify optimal configurations subject to user-specified constraints in Section 5. We conclude in Section 6.

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Ivan Dramaliev 2003-01-06