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Bird's eye view and Contributions of Polus Framework

Figure: An innovative approach for QoS management

This paper proposes the Polus framework that tries to take away the complexity of writing policy mapping code from human experts and moves it to a combination of reasoning and learning engines (as shown in Figure 1). The Polus framework addresses the complexity and brittleness problems described in section 1.1, in the following manner. In Polus, as shown in Figure 2, the system administrator inputs knowledge in the form of rules of thumb. For example, ``To invoke Prefetch action requires memory'', ``Invoke Prefetch action requires the workload to be Sequential'', ``Prefetch action improves throughput.'' The generic form of the specification is (Relationship [Type of relationship]) where the Relationship is between actions and resources, workload characteristics, system behavior. The optional Type of relationship gives a hint about the nature of the relationship (e.g., improves, requires). It should be noted that the rule-of-thumb specifications do not require the system administrator to quantify the threshold values for actions, observables, workload characteristics and resources. In addition, he does not have to spell-out the details of the action to be invoked for a given state of resources, workloads, and observables. The relationships defined in the rule-of-thumb specifications are quantified by the use of a learning engine. The system management actions, the state of the system resources/workload characteristics when the a particular action was taken, and the current values of the observables (e.g., throughput, latency, etc.) are monitored and stored as part of the knowledge base. The learning engine uses this monitored information to predict and quantify the relationships described in the specifications; for example, ``Prefetching improves throughput when available memory is greater than 20 percent'', and ``Use prefetching when Sequential/Random ratio is greater than 0.4.'' It is important to note that the rule-of-thumb specifications help to prune the number of variables used in the interpolation function, which in turn helps improve the convergence rate of the learning function. For example, while interpolating relationships of the prefetch action, the system is not required to take into account observables related to security. In the current implementation of Polus, the learning engine does not discover additional relationships (apart from those in the specifications) and also assumes that the hints in the specifications are correct. In the future, these assumptions will be addressed using learning approaches such as ``bagging'' [5]. When a particular QoS goal is violated in the system, the Polus reasoning engine is invoked. The semantics of the reasoning engine are expressed in first-order predicate calculus and are similar to the thought-process that is implicit in ECA rules. For example, an action $ (x)$can be invoked only if the resource required $ (precondition)$for its invocation are available in the current-state $ (cs)$. The current-state is defined in terms of values of resources, workload characteristics, and observables. This is expressed in first-order predicate calculus as:

 & \forall\:x, invoke(x,cs)\:\Rightarrow\:\\ & (available(cs)\; > \; precondition(x)) 


Using the current-state as input and the information (i.e., combination of specifications and learning) in the knowledge base as facts, the reasoning engine derives the actions to be invoked at run-time. For example, when the reasoning engine tries to invoke the prefetch action the $ invoke$function is instantiated as $ invoke(prefetch,cs)$which will be true if

 & (available(cs)\; > \; precondition(prefetch))


In this predicate, $ cs$is unified with the values that were passed as input to the reasoning engine, and the information of the prefetch action is retrieved from the knowledge base. It is important to note that combinations of declarative specification and predicate calculus (as done in Polus) are the basis of the well-known field of logic based programming [16,10]. Polus is applying and extending these concepts for the domain of storage management.


Figure: Contributions of Polus

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