In this section, we present performance benchmarks of the distributed hash table implementation that were gathered on a cluster of 28 2-way SMPs and 38 4-way SMPs (a total of 208 500 MHz Pentium CPUs). Each 2-way SMP has 500 MB of RAM, and each 4-way SMP has 1 GB. All are connected with either 100 Mb/s switched Ethernet (2-way SMPs) or 1 Gb/s switched Ethernet (4-way SMPs). The benchmarks are run using Sun's JDK 1.1.7v3, using the OpenJIT 1.1.7 JIT compiler and ``green'' (user-level) threads on top of Linux v2.2.5.
When running our benchmarks, we evenly spread hash table bricks amongst 4-way and 2-way SMPs, running at most one brick node per CPU in the cluster. Thus, 4-way SMPs would have at most 4 brick processes running on them, while 2-way SMPs would have at most 2. We also made use of these cluster nodes as load generators; because of this, we were only able to gather performance numbers to a maximum of a 128 brick distributed hash table, as we needed the remaining 80 CPUs to generate enough load to saturate such a large table.
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Our first set of benchmarks tested the in-core performance of the distributed hash table. By limiting the working set of keys that we requested to a size that fits in the aggregate physical memory of the bricks, this set of benchmarks investigates the overhead and throughput of the distributed hash table code independently of disk performance.
This benchmark demonstrates that hash table throughput scales linearly with the number of bricks. The benchmark consists of several services that each maintain a pipeline of 100 operations (either gets() or puts()) to a single distributed hash table. We varied the number of bricks in the hash table; for each configuration, we slowly increased the number of services and measured the completion throughput flowing from the bricks. All configurations had 2 replicas per replica group, and each benchmark iteration consisted of reads or writes of 150-byte values. The benchmark was closed-loop: a new operation was immediately issued with a random key for each completed operation.
Figure 4 shows the maximum throughput sustained by the distributed hash table as a function of the number of bricks. Throughput scales linearly up to 128 bricks; we didn't have enough processors to scale the benchmark further. The read throughput achieved with 128 bricks is 61,432 reads per second (5.3 billion per day), and the write throughput with 128 bricks is 13,582 writes per second (1.2 billion per day); this performance is adequate to serve the hit rates of most popular web sites on the Internet.
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Bursts of traffic are a common phenomenon for all Internet services. If a traffic burst exceeds the service's capacity, the service should have the property of ``graceful degradation'': the throughput of the service should remain constant, with the excess traffic either being rejected or absorbed in buffers and served with higher latency. Figure 5 shows the throughput of a distributed hash table as a function of the number of simultaneous read requests issued to it; each service instance has a closed-loop pipeline of 100 operations. Each line on the graph represents a different number of bricks serving the hash table. Each configuration is seen to eventually reach a maximum throughput as its bricks saturate. This maximum throughput is successfully sustained even as additional traffic is offered. The overload traffic is absorbed in the FIFO event queues of the bricks; all tasks are processed, but they experience higher latency as the queues drain from the burst.
An unfortunate performance anomaly emerged when benchmarking put() throughput. As the offered load approached the maximum capacity of the hash table bricks, the total write throughput suddenly began to drop. On closer examination, we discovered that most of the bricks in the hash table were unloaded, but one brick in the hash table was completely saturated and had become the bottleneck in the closed-loop benchmark.
Figure 6 illustrates this imbalance. To generate it, we issued puts() to a hash table with a single partition and two replicas in its replica group. Each put() operation caused a two-phase commit across both replicas, and thus each replica saw the same set of network messages and performed the same computation (but perhaps in slightly different orders). We expected both replicas to perform identically, but instead one replica became more and more idle, and the throughput of the hash table dropped to match the CPU utilization of this idle replica.
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Investigation showed that the busy replica was spending a significant amount of time in garbage collection. As more live objects populated that replica's heap, more time needed to be spent garbage collecting to reclaim a fixed amount of heap space, as more objects would be examined before a free object was discovered. Random fluctuations in arrival rates and garbage collection caused one replica to spend more time garbage collecting than the other. This replica became the system bottleneck, and more operations piled up in its queues, further amplifying this imbalance. Write traffic particularly exacerbated the situation, as objects created by the ``prepare'' phase must wait for at least one network round-trip time before a commit or abort command in the second phase is received. The number of live objects in each bricks' heap is thus proportional to the bandwidth-delay product of hash table put() operations. For read traffic, there is only one phase, and thus objects can be garbage collected immediately after read requests are satisfied.
We experimented with many JDKs, but consistently saw this effect. Some JDKs (such as JDK 1.2.2 on Linux 2.2.5) developed this imbalance for read traffic as well as write traffic. This sort of performance imbalance is fundamental to any system that doesn't perform admission control; if the task arrival rate temporarily exceeds the system's ability to handle them, then tasks will begin to pile up in the system. Because systems have finite resources, this inevitably causes performance degradation (thrashing). In our system, this degradation first materialized due to garbage collection. In other systems, this might happen due to virtual memory thrashing, to pick an example. We are currently exploring using admission control (at either the bricks or the hash table libraries) or early discard from bricks' queues to keep the bricks within their operational range, ameliorating this imbalance.
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In figure 7, we varied the size of elements that we read out of an 8 brick hash table. Throughput was flat from 50 bytes through 1000 bytes, but then began to degrade. From this we deduced that per-operation overhead (such as object creation, garbage collection, and system call overhead) saturated the bricks' CPUs for elements smaller than 1000 bytes, and per-byte overhead (byte array copies, either in the TCP stack or in the JVM) saturated the bricks' CPUs for elements greater than 1000 bytes. At 8000 bytes, the throughput in and out of each 2-way SMP (running 2 bricks) was 60 Mb/s. For larger sized hash table values, the 100 Mb/s switched network became the throughput bottleneck.
Our next set of benchmarks tested performance for workloads that do not fit in the aggregate physical memory of the bricks. These benchmarks stress the single-node hash table's disk interaction, as well as the performance of the distributed hash table.
To test how well the distributed hash table scales in terms of data capacity, we populated a hash table with 1.28 terabytes of 8KB data elements. To do this, we created a table with 512 partitions in its DP map, but with only 1 replica per replica group (i.e., the table would not withstand node failures). We spread the 512 partitions across 128 brick nodes, and ran 2 bricks per node in the cluster. Each brick stored its data on a dedicated 12GB disk (all cluster nodes have 2 of these disks). The bricks each used 10GB worth of disk capacity, resulting in 1.28TB of data stored in the table.
To populate the 1.28TB hash table, we designed bulk loaders that generated writes to keys in an order that was carefully chosen to result in sequential disk writes. These bulk loaders understood the partitioning in the DP map and implementation details about the single-node tables' hash functions (which map keys to disk blocks). Using these loaders, it took 130 minutes to fill the table with 1.28 terabytes of data, achieving a total write throughput of 22,015 operations/s, or 1.4 MB/s per disk.
Comparatively, the in-core throughput benchmark presented in Section 5.1.1 obtained 13,582 operations/s for a 128 brick table, but that benchmark was configured with 2 replicas per replica group. Eliminating this replication would double the throughput of the in-core benchmark, resulting in a 27,164 operations/s. The bulk loading of the 1.28TB hash table was therefore only marginally slower in terms of the throughput sustained by each replica than the in-core benchmarks, which means that disk throughput was not the bottleneck.
However, we believe it is unrealistic and undesirable for hash table clients to have knowledge of the DP map and single-node tables' hash functions. We ran a second set of throughput benchmarks on another 1.28TB hash table, but populated it with random keys. With this workload, the table took 319 minutes to populate, resulting in a total write throughput of 8,985 operations/s, or 0.57 MB/s per disk. We similarly sustained a read throughput of 14,459 operations/s, or 0.93 MB/s per disk.3
This throughput is substantially lower than the throughput obtained during the in-core benchmarks because the random workload generated results in random read and write traffic to each disk. In fact, for this random workload, every read() issued to the distributed hash table results in a request for a random disk block from a disk. All disk traffic is seek dominated, and disk seeks become the overall bottleneck of the system.
We expect that there will be significant locality in DDS requests generated by Internet services, and given workloads with high locality, the DDS should perform nearly as well as the in-core benchmark results. However, it might be possible to significantly improve the write performance of traffic with little locality by using disk layout techniques similar to those of log-structured file systems [29]; we have not explored this possibility as of yet.
To demonstrate availability in the face of node failures and the ability for the bricks to recover after a failure, we repeated the read benchmark with a hash table of 150 byte elements. The table was configured with a single 100MB partition and three replicas in that partition's replica group. Figure 8 shows the throughput of the hash table over time as we induced a fault in one of the replica bricks and later initiated its recovery. During recovery, the rate at which the recovered partition is copied was 12 MB/s, which is maximum sequential write bandwidth we could obtain from the bricks' disks.
At point (1), all three bricks were operational and the throughput sustained by the hash table was 450 operations per second. At point (2), one of the three bricks was killed. Performance immediately dropped to 300 operations per second, two-thirds of the original capacity. Fault detection was immediate: client libraries experienced broken transport connections that could not be reestablished. The performance overhead of the replica group map updates could not be observed. At point (3), recovery was initiated, and recovery completed at point (4). Between points (3) and (4), there was no noticeable performance overhead of recovery; this is because there was ample excess bandwidth on the network, and the CPU overhead of transferring the partition during recovery was negligible. It should be noted that between points (3) and (4), the recovering partition is not available for writes, because of the write lease grabbed during recovery. This partition is available for reads, however.
After recovery completed, performance briefly dropped at point (5). This degradation is due to the buffer cache warming on the recovered node. Once the cache became warm, performance resumed to the original 450 operations/s at point (6). An interesting anomaly at point (6) is the presence of noticeable oscillations in throughput; these were traced to garbage collection triggered by the ``extra'' activity of recovery. When we repeated our measurements, we would occasionally see this oscillation at other times besides immediately post-recovery. This sort of performance unpredictability due to garbage collection seems to be a pervasive problem; a better garbage collector or admission control might ameliorate this, but we haven't yet explored this.
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