MULTOPS is organized as a 4-level 256-ary tree to conveniently cover the entire IPv4 address space. Each node in the tree is a table consisting of 256 records, each of which consists of 3 fields: 2 rates--to-rate and from-rate--and 1 pointer potentially pointing to a node in the next level of the tree. A table stores all packet rates to and from IP addresses with a common 0-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, or 24-bit prefix, depending on the level of the tree. Deeper levels of the tree contain packet rates for addresses with a longer prefix. Thus, the root node contains the aggregate packet rates to and from address 0.*.*.*, 1.*.*.*, 2.*.*.*, etc. The 90th record in the root node, for example, contains the packet rates to and from addresses with 8-bit prefix 89, and a pointer to a node that keeps tracks of the aggregate packet rates to and from addresses with that prefix, i.e., 89.0.*.*, 89.1.*.*, 89.2.*.*., etc. The sum of all 256 to-rates and the sum of all 256 from-rates in a node are equal to the to-rate and the from-rate in the parent record of that node. Figure 2 shows a sample MULTOPS.
When the packet rate to or from a subnet reaches a certain threshold, a new
subnode is created on the fly to keep track of more fine-grained packet rates,
potentially down to per-IP address packet rates. For example, if the aggregate
packet rate to or from subnet 130.17.*.* exceeds , a new node is
created to keep track of packet rates to and from subnets 130.17.0.*,
130.17.1.*, etc. Creating new nodes is called expansion. The reverse,
i.e., removing nodes or entire subtrees, is called contraction.
Contraction is done when the packet rate from and to a given IP address prefix
drop below a certain threshold, or when memory is running out, possibly due to
a memory exhaustion attack against MULTOPS itself.
Expansion and contraction enable MULTOPS to exploit the hierarchical structure of the IP address space and the fact that a bandwidth attack is usually directed at (or coming from) a limited set of IP addresses--with a common prefix--only. MULTOPS detects the attack on a high level in the tree (where prefixes are short) and expands toward the largest possible common prefix of the victim's IP address(es), potentially establishing single IP address(es) that are under attack.