Next: Local Proxy Server
Up: Alleviating the Latency and
Previous: Performance Enhancing Heuristics
The WWW proxy caching system is written in C++ in the Linux
environment. On the local machine, the user needs to run only
one process, the local proxy server called localCache,
in addition to the browser itself. On the backbone server,
several processes need to be run. These are the backbone cache
manager squid [4], the HTTP response filter filterd,
the backbone pre-fetch engine pfetcher, the backbone
group profile manager gpm, and the backbone communication
surrogate bcs which talks to localCache. We will
describe these processes in more detail next. It must be noted that
other than squid [4], all the other processes can be combined
into a single one that spawns into different modules. The use of different
processes is purely to ease debugging. In essence, filterd and
bcs keep states about the current session. The rest of the processes
keep state about the backbone proxy server.
Sau Loon Tong