Thanks for joining us in Washington, D.C., for the 8th Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET '15). As part of our commitment to open access to research, the workshop papers and presentation slides are free and open to the public on the Workshop Program page.

CSET '15 was co-located with the 24th USENIX Security Symposium.

Workshop Organizers

Program Co-Chairs

Adam Aviv, U.S. Naval Academy
Iulian Neamtiu, University of California, Riverside

Program Committee

Kevin Bauer, MIT Lincoln Labs
Lujo Bauer, Carnegie Mellon Univeristy
Matt Bishop, University of California, Davis
Nikita Borisov, Univeristy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kevin Butler, University of Florida
L. Jean Camp, Indiana University
Tudor Dumitras, University of Maryland, College Park
Sonia Fahmy, Purdue University
Tanya Flushman, California Polytechnic State University
Mark Gondree, Naval Postgraduate School
Cynthia Irvine, Naval Postgraduate School
Daniel Marino, Symantec Research Labs
Michelle Mazurek, University of Maryland, College Park
Daniela Oliveria, University of Florida
Zachary Peterson, California State Polytechnic University
Zhiyun Qian, University of California, Riverside
John Sonchack, University of Pennsylvania
Robert Walls, The Pennsylvania State University
Andrew West, Verisign Labs

Steering Committee

Terry V. Benzel, USC Information Sciences Institute (ISI)
Sean Peisert, University of California, Davis, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Stephen Schwab, USC Information Sciences Institute (ISI)