Important Dates

  • Abstracts and/or posters drafts due: Thursday, January 8, 2015, 9:00 p.m. PST
  • Notification of acceptance: Monday, January 19, 2015

If you would like to present your ongoing work at FAST '15, you can submit an abstract describing your work and indicate whether you would like to present a Poster, a WiP, or both. Note that if you select both and your abstract is accepted, we may choose it to be presented only as a poster or only a WiP (presentation slots are limited and we will try to accommodate as many presentations as possible). Posters will be presented at one of the two-hour evening receptions on the first two days of the conference. WiPs will be presented during the last session on the first day and be given roughly five minutes each.

If you are requesting to present only a WiP, then submit just a one-page abstract. If, however, you are requesting to present only a Poster, or both a Poster and a WiP, then please submit a two-page PDF document: the first page should be your abstract summarizing the work, and the second page should be a draft of your poster. We are requesting poster drafts to ensure their quality and also to allow us to provide feedback to poster presenters.

Submit your abstract and/or poster drafts in PDF format via the Posters and WiPs Web form. Abstracts should not be anonymized: include all information (title, authors' names and affiliation, text, and citations). Abstracts should follow USENIX's format and guidelines: typeset in two-column format in 10-point Times Roman type on 12-point leading (single-spaced), with the text block being no more than 6.5" wide by 9" deep. Submissions violating these guidelines will be rejected without review. Those whose abstract is accepted for a poster presentation will be asked to prepare a 3'x4' full size color poster. USENIX will provide easels and boards for you to display your poster.

Note that all authors of accepted papers are expected to present a poster as well. However, authors of accepted papers do not need to submit an abstract or the draft of their poster.