The following Work-in-Progress Reports will be presented during the Work-in-Progress Reports Session on Tuesday, February 17, 2015, 4:00 pm–5:30 pm, in Grand Ballroom ABCFGH
Building Native Erasure Coding Support in HDFS
Zhe Zhang, Cloudera; Kai Zheng and Bo Li, Intel; Andrew Wang, Cloudera; Vinayakumar B and Uma Gangumalla, Intel; Todd Lipcon, Cloudera; Yi Liu and Weihua Jiang, Intel; Aaron Myers and Silvius Rus, Cloudera
Searching a Secret Split Datastore
Joel C. Frank, Shayna M. Frank, and Lincoln Thurlow, University of California, Santa Cruz; Thomas M. Kroeger, Sandia National Laboratories; Ethan L. Miller and Darrell D. E. Long, University of California, Santa Cruz
Changing the Redundancy Paradigm: Challenges of Building an Entangled Storage
Verónica Estrada Galiñanes and Pascal Felber, University of Neuchâtel
Improving Performance by Bridging the Semantic Gap between Multi-queue SSD and QEMU I/O Virtualization
Tae Yong Kim, Sungkyunkwan University and Samsung Electronics; Dong Hyun Kang, Dongwoo Lee, and Young Ik Eom, Sungkyunkwan University
Shared Non-Volatile Memory Cache for Energy-Efficient High Throughput GPU Computing
Jie Zhang and Myoungsoo Jung, The University of Texas at Dallas
Time-Based Storage Bandwidth Allocation in Hybrid Storage Systems
Hui Wang and Peter Varman, Rice University
Improving File System Test Coverage with Injected Disk Snapshot
Naohiro Aota, Takeshi Yoshimura, and Kenji Kono, Keio University
Zero-Overhead NVM Crash Resilience
Faisal Nawab, University of California, Santa Barbara and HP Labs; Dhruva Chakrabarti, Terence P. Kelly, and Charles B. Morrey III, HP Labs
Data Layouts to Reduce Data Movement in Shingled Write Disks
Stephanie N. Jones, University of California, Santa Cruz; Ahmed Amer, Santa Clara University; Rekha Pitchumani, Darrell D.E. Long, and Ethan L. Miller, University of California, Santa Cruz
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