Thank You for Coming!
Thanks to those of you who joined us in Washington, D.C., for the 2013 USENIX Workshop on Health Information Technologies (HealthTech '13). As part of our commitment to open access, the papers, audio, video, and slides from the workshop are free and openly accessible via the technical sessions Web page. The conference reports from ;login: are now online.
Order the HealthTech '13 Box Set
Whether you had to miss HealthTech '13, or just didn't make it to all of the sessions, here's your chance to catch up. We’ll soon ship out the "HealthTech '13 Box Set," an 8GB USENIX USB drive, containing high-resolution videos from the workshop. Purchase the box set.
Workshop Organizers
Program Co-Chairs
Kevin Fu, University of Michigan
Darren Lacey, Johns Hopkins University
Zachary Peterson, Naval Postgraduate School
Program Committee
Srdjan Capkun, ETH Zurich
Dina Katabi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Insup Lee, University of Pennsylvania
Bradley Malin, Vanderbilt University
Roy Maxion, Carnegie Mellon University
Nate Paul, Oak Ridge National Lab and University of Tennessee
Raj Rajagoplan, Honeywell Labs
Ben Ransford, University of Washington and University of Massachusetts Amherst
Sean Smith, Dartmouth College
Eugene Vasserman, Kansas State University
Laurie Williams, North Carolina State University
Poster Session Coordinator
Ben Ransford, University of Washington and University of Massachusetts Amherst
Steering Committee
Kevin Fu, University of Michigan
Carl Gunter, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tadayoshi Kohno, University of Washington
Zachary Peterson, Naval Postgraduate School
Avi Rubin, Johns Hopkins University
Margo Seltzer, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Oracle