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The main idea of the patch is quite simple and intuitive.
Once multiple ``CPU cycle eager'' processes but with high page
fault rates and low CPU
utilization coexist, the patch will make a temporal tuning on the page
replacement to help one of the processes to establish its working
set and let it consume CPU cycles. Otherwise, the patch is almost dormant and adds
little intervention to the original system.
Our patch implementation on Kernel 2.2
consists of two kernel utilities: detection and protection routines.
The detection routine is used to dynamically monitor the page
fault rate of each process and the CPU utilization of the system.
The protection routine will be awakened to adjust the page replacement when
the CPU utilization is lower than a predetermined threshold,
and when the page fault rates of more than one interacting process exceed
a threshold. It then
grants a privilege to an identified process which will
only contribute a limited number of NRU pages.
The detection routine
also monitors if the identified process has lowered its page fault rate
to a certain degree. If so, its privilege will be disabled.
This action will retain the memory utilization by treating each process equally.
There are four predetermined parameters used in the patch:
- CPU_Low: the lowest CPU utilization the system can tolerate.
- CPU_High: the targeted CPU utilization for the patch to achieve.
- PF_Low: the targeted page fault rate 2 of the identified process
for the patch to achieve.
- PF_High: the page fault rate threshold for a process to
potentially cause thrashing.
We add one global linked list, high_PF_proc, in the kernel
to record interacting processes
with high page fault rates. A process enters the list when its page
fault rate exceeds ``PF_High'', and exits from the list when its page
fault rate lowers below ``PF_Low''.
The kernel memory management has the following three states with
dynamic transitions:
- normal state: In this state, no monitoring activities
are conducted. The system deals with page faults exactly as
the original Linux kernel does. The system keeps track of the
number of page faults for each process and places the processes
with page fault rates higher than ``PF_High'' into ``high_PF_proc".
- monitoring state:
In this state, the detection routine is awakened to start monitoring
the CPU utilization and the page fault rates of processes in the linked
list. If the protection condition is satisfied, the detection routine will select
a process in ``high_PF_proc" for protection
and go to the protection state.
The system returns to the normal state when there is
no more than one processes in ``high_PF_proc".
- protection state:
The protection routine will mark the selected process and let its
``swap_cnt'' reset to 0 no matter whether a replaced page has been
successfully found, which let the process contribute at most one page
continuously and help it
quickly establish its working set. In the protection state, the detection
routine keeps monitoring the CPU utilization and the page fault rate
of each process in the list. The detection
routine is deactivated
and the protection state transfers to the monitoring state as
soon as the protected process obtains low page fault rate, and/or the CPU utilization has
been sufficiently improved.
Figure 4 describes the dynamic transitions among the
three states, which gives a complete description of the patch. When
the system is normal (no page faults occur), detection and protection
routines are not involved. The patch only
adds limited operations for each page fault and checks several system
parameters with the interval of one second.
So, overhead involved in detection and protection
is trivial compared with the CPU overhead to deal with page faults.
Figure 4:
Dynamic transitions among normal, monitoring, and
protection states in the improved kernel system.
![\begin{figure}\centering \centerline{\psfig{figure=state.eps,width=3.5in,height=1.5in}} \end{figure}](img4.png) |
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Previous: Why an adaptive replacement
Song Jiang