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Architecture of the WWW Proxy System

The three key aspects of our system design are pre-fetching documents based on user and group profiles, filtering retrieved documents based on the available network quality of service, and hoarding documents in anticipation of network disconnections (for mobile users). For pre-fetching and hoarding to be effective, the cached copy of the documents must be as close to the browser as possible. For filtering to be effective, it must be done as close to the server as possible; in particular, filtering needs to be performed before the bottleneck link on the retrieval path of the client, while pre-fetching and hoarding need to be done after the bottleneck link.

In the ideal case, a server would have a set of filters associated with a document type. A client request would be accompanied with the measured network quality of service. The server would then retrieve the document and pass it through the filter (with the QoS level as a parameter) before sending it back to the client. The advantage of this design is that only the required data is sent over the network, thereby decreasing the latency of access. Besides, if the user has to pay for receiving data over the network (proportional to the amount of data received), this mechanism can reduce the cost of Web access. The disadvantage of this design is that it requires QoS aware servers, and also places the burden of filtering on the server.

In cases where the user is connected to the network via a slow modem link or an outdoor wireless link, the last link typically happens to be the bottleneck link in the retrieval path. In this case, filtering the document before the last link may work just as well in reducing latency and maybe cost. Since this does not require any change in the server, we use this model for our system.

Figure 1: System Model
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The architecture of our WWW proxy system is shown in Figure 1. A WWW browser points to a local proxy server, through which all requests are routed. The local proxy server contains an HTTP request filter, a profile management engine, a pre-fetching engine, and a cache manager. The local proxy server points to a backbone proxy server. Thus, the local proxy server acts as a server to the browser but as a client to the backbone proxy server.

The backbone proxy server essentially contains the same components as its local counterpart, but may service multiple users. The backbone proxy server thus handles both group profiles and individual profiles while the local proxy server handles only individual user profiles.

In order to effectively manage the usage profile, all user accesses must traverse through the local proxy server; thus, the browser's cache is disabled. This is because some HTTP requests would be intercepted by a browser cache if it were not disabled, and the local proxy server would not be able to learn the access pattern properly.

Profile-based pre-fetch is performed at both the local proxy server and the backbone proxy server, although the backbone proxy server does a more aggressive pre-fetch (more documents). Hoarding is done by the local proxy server. Filtering is done on both HTTP requests (e.g. to reduce HTTP headers) and HTTP responses (e.g. to clip images). The WWW server is not required to have any special functionality that is specific to our system.

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Sau Loon Tong