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Usage Pattern Profile

A usage profile is a representation of a user's or group's usage pattern of the Web. The profile is learned over time by monitoring the stream of HTTP requests of users. Using the profile to determine which documents to pre-fetch, rather than simply using the document layout, can significantly improve the efficiency of pre-fetching. The usage profile is a directed weighted graph, where the nodes represent URLs and edges represent the access path. The weight of a node u indicates the frequency of access of the corresponding URL, while the weight of an edge (u,v) indicates the frequency of access of the URL v immediately following the URL u. In order to reflect the changing access patterns of users and the temporal locality of accesses, recent history is given precedence in the weighting heuristic.

Let nt(u) represent the number of accesses of node u (i.e. the URL corresponding to node u) during the time interval t, nt(u, v) represent the number of accesses of node v immediately following node u, wt(u) represent the weight of node u after the time interval t, and wt(u, v) represent the weight of edge (u, v) after the time interval t. The weights of nodes and edges are computed as follows:

where $\alpha_1$, $\alpha_2$, $\beta_1$, and $\beta_2$ are constants which indicate the relative weights of recent history versus past history. These constants, along with the time window t, play a key role in determining how effectively the profile adapts to the changing user access patterns. Modifying these parameters will determine whether the profile does long term adaptation or short term adaptation. Based on our own experience, we have currently set $\alpha_1 = 0.9,
\beta_1 = 0.1, \alpha_2 = 1.0$, and $\beta_2 = 1.0$. This means that we have set a very high weightage to previous history. This is because we wanted our system to be insensitive to spurous bursts of visits to sites that will not be visited again i.e. long term adaptation. We have set t to be the time between two successive sessions. This means that the weights are recalculated at the beginning of every Web session. While the current values of the constants are based on what worked for our usage profiles, we plan to do more experiments in order to determine the weights in the graph. While our weights are determined solely by frequency of access, we plan to use the following parameters for determining weights in the future: percentage of membership that uses an edge or node for group profiles, expected latency, liveliness of documents, and size.

Group usage profiles are a natural extension of the idea of exploiting individual usage profiles to predictively pre-fetch documents. They also fit naturally into collaborative filtering of documents discussed in [10]. Group usage profiles are inherited by users that join the group. Thus, a new user would first enroll in several groups. This will ensure that there is some form of informed speculative pre-fetch service for the user while his/her own usage pattern is being learned by the local profile engine. In addition, as the interests of the group change over time, the user will be able to inherit the changes automatically.

In the case of group profiles, we keep more state. In particular, we are interested in the number of members in a particular group who have visited a particular URL and who have used a particular edge. This allows us to make recommendations on which URLs to pre-fetch. For example, if more than 50% of the group uses a particular edge (u,v), then we recommend v when a member of the group visits u.

While individual profiles are used for predictive pre-fetches, group profiles serve two purposes. First, a group profile is inherited by a new member to a group, hence, while his/her individual profile is being learnt, it is still possible to predictively pre-fetch. Second, group profiles are useful for notifying a member of pages that most of the other members of the group are visiting.

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Sau Loon Tong