Call for Participation
LISA: Where systems engineering and operations professionals share real-world knowledge about designing, building, and maintaining the critical systems of our interconnected world.
The LISA conference has long served as the annual vendor-neutral meeting place for the wider system administration community. The LISA14 program recognized the overlap and differences between traditional and modern IT operations and engineering, and developed a highly-curated program around 5 key topics: Systems Engineering, Security, Culture, DevOps, and Monitoring/Metrics. The program included 22 half- and full-day training sessions; 10 workshops; and a conference program consisting of 50 invited talks, panels, refereed paper presentations, and mini-tutorials.
Sponsored by USENIX, the Advanced Computing Systems Association in cooperation with LOPSA
LISA '14 will take place November 9–14, 2014, in Seattle, WA.
The LISA conference invites leaders in the IT engineering and operations community to submit proposals that demonstrate the latest tools, techniques, and solutions in their fields. LISA talks should provide attendees with inspiration and actionable ways to apply the knowledge gained at the conference. Immediate takeaways allow attendees to return to work ready to improve IT operations in support of business needs.
Important Dates
- Submissions due: April 18, 2014, 11:59 p.m. PDT Deadline Extended
- Notification to participants: May 25, 2014
Topics should advance attendee understanding of the technology and demonstrate how to approach a solution to a current challenge in operations.
Systems Engineering
Types of proposals we want to see
- Talk: 40- or 90-minute talk, including time for Q&A
- Panel: several experts and a moderator discussing the merits, pros and cons, or debating a particular topic
- Mini-tutorial: 90-minute how-to talk that provides attendees with real-world skills to take back to work and immediately get started in the topic area
- Tutorial: Half-day, full-day, or multi-day how-to course potentially with interactive components. Interactive may include in-class exercises, small-group breakout sessions, or may take advantage of the LISA lab space.
- Workshop: Half-day or full-day organizer-led, participation-based sessions with the goal of bringing members of a community together to discuss common interests.
- Papers and posters: LISA showcases the latest research in refereed papers and posters; see the Call for Papers and Posters for more information and to submit your paper.
Proposals must include the following
- Proposal Type: talks, panels, mini-tutorials, tutorials, and workshops
- Title: Should make it obvious what your talk is about
- Description: Include attendee takeaways and why people want to hear this talk
- Topic: Please indicate which broad topic category you think this talk addresses (from above): Systems Engineering, Culture, Security, DevOps, Monitoring/Metrics.
- Speaker bio: Include past public speaking experience, with a URL to past presentations if available
- Duration: Talk or tutorial length (40 minutes, 90-minutes, ½ day)
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