Conference Organizers
LISA: Where systems engineering and operations professionals share real-world knowledge about designing, building, and maintaining the critical systems of our interconnected world.
The LISA conference has long served as the annual vendor-neutral meeting place for the wider system administration community. The LISA14 program recognized the overlap and differences between traditional and modern IT operations and engineering, and developed a highly-curated program around 5 key topics: Systems Engineering, Security, Culture, DevOps, and Monitoring/Metrics. The program included 22 half- and full-day training sessions; 10 workshops; and a conference program consisting of 50 invited talks, panels, refereed paper presentations, and mini-tutorials.
Program Chair
Nicole Forsgren Velasquez, Utah State University
Content Coordinators
Amy Rich, Mozilla Corporation
Adele Shakal, Cisco
Research Committee Co-Chairs
Kyrre Begnum, Oslo University College of Applied Sciences
Marc Chiarini, MarkLogic Corporation
Research Committee
Theophilus Benson, Duke University
Adam Oliner, University of California, Berkeley and Kuro Labs
Invited Talks Coordinators
Patrick Cable, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Doug Hughes, D. E. Shaw Research, LLC.
Matthew Simmons, Northeastern University
Invited Talks Committee
John Looney, Google, Inc.
Branson Matheson, Blackphone
Gareth Rushgrove, Puppet Labs
Jeffrey Snover, Microsoft
Mandi Walls, Chef
John Willis, Stateless Networks
Lightning Talks Coordinator
Lee Damon, University of Washington
Workshops Coordinator
Cory Lueninghoener, Los Alamos National Laboratory
USENIX Training Program Manager
Rik Farrow, Security Consultant
Tutorial Coordinators
Thomas A. Limoncelli, Stack Exchange, Inc.
Matthew Simmons, Northeastern University
LISA Lab Chair
Paul Krizak, Qualcomm, Inc.
LISA Lab Coordinator
Chris McEniry, Sony Network Entertainment
LISA Build Coordinators
Branson Matheson, Blackphone
Brett Thorson, Cranial Thunder Solutions
USENIX Liaisons
David Blank-Edelman, Northeastern University College of Computer and Information Science
Carolyn Rowland, NIST
Local Chair
Lee Damon, University of Washington
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