Program at a Glance
LISA: Where systems engineering and operations professionals share real-world knowledge about designing, building, and maintaining the critical systems of our interconnected world.
The LISA conference has long served as the annual vendor-neutral meeting place for the wider system administration community. The LISA14 program recognized the overlap and differences between traditional and modern IT operations and engineering, and developed a highly-curated program around 5 key topics: Systems Engineering, Security, Culture, DevOps, and Monitoring/Metrics. The program included 22 half- and full-day training sessions; 10 workshops; and a conference program consisting of 50 invited talks, panels, refereed paper presentations, and mini-tutorials.
Training |
Conference Program
Workshops |
LISA Lab |
LISA Build |
URES '14 West |
SESA '14 |
LISA14 Expo |
CentOS Dojo Seattle |
Puppet Camp Seattle |
LISA Data Storage Day |
Vendor Talks |
What's what at LISA14:
Training Program
Tutorials in the LISA training program are half-day or full-day sessions taught by industry experts. These sessions offer a highly curated selection of instructor-lead tutorials, all geared towards helping you create, maintain, and monitor efficient and secure networks.
Conference Program
The Conference Program, previously known as the Technical Sessions, includes Invited Talks, Panels, Paper Presentations, and Mini-Tutorials. Each of these sessions is designed to provide guidance from industry leaders, while offering actionable takeaways to immediately apply the knowledge and ideas gained.
Invited Talks
Come listen to speakers from a variety of backgrounds share their knowledge and stories from the frontlines. Invited Talks cover an array of topics including Culture, DevOps, Systems Engineering, Security, and Monitoring and Metrics.
A moderator and a panel of professionals will discuss new technologies, issues and news in the system administration field, and other topics.
Paper Presentations
Accepted authors come to LISA to present their findings on the latest research in System Administration, Site Reliability Engineering, and other related topics.
Poster Presentations
The Poster Session is the place to check out cool new ideas and the latest preliminary work on display.
Mini-Tutorials NEW!
Want to learn more about a new or emerging technology, but not ready to commit to intensive training? Our mini-tutorials offer 90-minute overviews designed to give you a taste and let you figure out if you want to learn more.
Workshops are half-day or full-day sessions for small groups (typically no more than 30 people) to share ideas and knowledge. Workshops are intended to be participatory, not instructional, and familiarity with the specific topic/area is expected of the attendees.
In cooperation with the hotel, LISA Build participants helped to create a portion of this year’s conference network, thus providing you with wireless access and providing them with a hands-on experience building a network from the ground up. The LISA Build room is next door to the LISA Lab and open the same hours as the Lab, so come by and see how and what they did. Or you can seek out those LISA Build orange badges and ask about the experience—perhaps we’ll see you helping build the network next year!
Back for its second year, LISA14 will offer a Lab available for informal mini-presentations by seasoned professionals, participation in live experiments, tutoring, and mentoring. Attendees can investigate and test new technologies, and interact with other attendees in a participatory technical setting.
Co-located Events
URES '14 West, SESA '14, Puppet Camp Seattle, and Data Storage Day are all co-located events taking place alongside LISA14. Please visit each event's Web page to learn about the program and registration details.
Vendor Talks NEW!
New to LISA this year is one track of vendor talks. Come listen to and interact with companies related to your industry to learning about the latest technology and products available to professionals in the field.
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