Workshop 5: System Administration Skill Tiers
Madrona Room
Matt Disney, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
This will be a half-day fast-paced, hackathon-style intensive effort to develop a series of modern system administration job skill tiers. The outcome will be the foundation of a flexible set of skills that map to more general system administration job functions (e.g. skills required for user support, server operations, server deployment, service architecture, etc). Progress from this workshop will carry over into an online community where work will continue to define a flexible set of skill tiers for system administrators. Attendees should have some familiarity with prior discussions on the topic, e.g. “Job Descriptions for System Administrators” from the USENIX LISA SIG Short Topics in System Administration series.
author = {Matt Disney},
title = {Workshop 5: System Administration Skill Tiers},
year = {2014},
address = {Seattle, WA},
publisher = {USENIX Association},
month = nov
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