All the times listed below are in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).
Papers are available for download below to registered attendees now. The papers and the full proceedings will be available to everyone beginning Monday, July 11, 2022. Paper abstracts are available to everyone now. Copyright to the individual works is retained by the author[s].
Proceedings Front Matter
Proceedings Cover |
Title Page and List of Organizers |
Message from the Program Co-Chairs |
Table of Contents
Full Proceedings PDFs
OSDI '22 Full Proceedings (PDF, 55 MB)
OSDI '22 Proceedings Interior (PDF, 55 MB, best for mobile devices)
Monday, July 11
8:00 am–9:00 am
Continental Breakfast
9:00 am–10:00 am
OSDI '22 and USENIX ATC '22 Joint Keynote Address
10:00 am–10:30 am
Break with Refreshments
10:30 am–10:45 am
Opening Remarks and Awards
Marcos K. Aguilera, VMware Research, and Hakim Weatherspoon, Cornell University and Exotanium, Inc.
10:45 am–12:05 pm
Distributed Storage and Far Memory
Session Chair: Doug Terry, Amazon Web Services
Owl: Scale and Flexibility in Distribution of Hot Content
Jason Flinn, Xianzheng Dou, Arushi Aggarwal, Alex Boyko, Francois Richard, Eric Sun, Wendy Tobagus, Nick Wolchko, and Fang Zhou, Meta
BlockFlex: Enabling Storage Harvesting with Software-Defined Flash in Modern Cloud Platforms
Benjamin Reidys and Jinghan Sun, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Anirudh Badam and Shadi Noghabi, Microsoft Research; Jian Huang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
MemLiner: Lining up Tracing and Application for a Far-Memory-Friendly Runtime
Chenxi Wang, Haoran Ma, Shi Liu, Yifan Qiao, Jonathan Eyolfson, and Christian Navasca, UCLA; Shan Lu, University of Chicago; Guoqing Harry Xu, UCLA
Awarded Best Paper!
Carbink: Fault-Tolerant Far Memory
Yang Zhou, Harvard University; Hassan M. G. Wassel, Google; Sihang Liu, University of Virginia; Jiaqi Gao and James Mickens, Harvard University; Minlan Yu, Harvard University and Google; Chris Kennelly, Paul Turner, and David E. Culler, Google; Henry M. Levy, University of Washington and Google; Amin Vahdat, Google
12:05 pm–1:20 pm
1:20 pm–3:00 pm
Session Chair: Ding Yuan, University of Toronto
Metastable Failures in the Wild
Lexiang Huang, The Pennsylvania State University; Twitter; Matthew Magnusson and Abishek Bangalore Muralikrishna, University of New Hampshire; Salman Estyak, The Pennsylvania State University; Rebecca Isaacs, Twitter; Abutalib Aghayev and Timothy Zhu, The Pennsylvania State University; Aleksey Charapko, University of New Hampshire
RESIN: A Holistic Service for Dealing with Memory Leaks in Production Cloud Infrastructure
Chang Lou, Johns Hopkins University; Cong Chen, Microsoft Azure; Peng Huang, Johns Hopkins University; Yingnong Dang, Microsoft Azure; Si Qin, Microsoft Research; Xinsheng Yang, Meta; Xukun Li, Microsoft Azure; Qingwei Lin, Microsoft Research; Murali Chintalapati, Microsoft Azure
Cancellation in Systems: An Empirical Study of Task Cancellation Patterns and Failures
Utsav Sethi and Haochen Pan, University of Chicago; Shan Lu, University of Chicago and Microsoft; Madanlal Musuvathi and Suman Nath, Microsoft Research
Automatic Reliability Testing For Cluster Management Controllers
Xudong Sun, Wenqing Luo, and Jiawei Tyler Gu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Aishwarya Ganesan, Ramnatthan Alagappan, Michael Gasch, and Lalith Suresh, VMware; Tianyin Xu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
3:00 pm–3:30 pm
Break with Refreshments
3:30 pm–4:30 pm
Persistent Memory
Session Chair: Asaf Cidon, Columbia University
ListDB: Union of Write-Ahead Logs and Persistent SkipLists for Incremental Checkpointing on Persistent Memory
Wonbae Kim, UNIST; Chanyeol Park, Sungkyunkwan University and Naver; Dongui Kim, Sungkyunkwan University and Line; Hyeongjun Park, Sungkyunkwan University; Young-ri Choi, UNIST; Alan Sussman, University of Maryland, College Park; Beomseok Nam, Sungkyunkwan University
ODINFS: Scaling PM Performance with Opportunistic Delegation
Diyu Zhou, Yuchen Qian, Vishal Gupta, and Zhifei Yang, EPFL; Changwoo Min, Virginia Tech; Sanidhya Kashyap, EPFL
DURINN: Adversarial Memory and Thread Interleaving for Detecting Durable Linearizability Bugs
Xinwei Fu, Virginia Tech; Dongyoon Lee, Stony Brook University; Changwoo Min, Virginia Tech
4:30 pm–4:45 pm
Short Break
4:45 pm–6:05 pm
Machine Learning 1
Session Chair: Byung-Gon Chun, Seoul National University and FriendliAI
SparTA: Deep-Learning Model Sparsity via Tensor-with-Sparsity-Attribute
Ningxin Zheng, Microsoft Research; Bin Lin, Microsoft Research and Tsinghua University; Quanlu Zhang, Lingxiao Ma, Yuqing Yang, Fan Yang, Yang Wang, Mao Yang, and Lidong Zhou, Microsoft Research
ROLLER: Fast and Efficient Tensor Compilation for Deep Learning
Hongyu Zhu, University of Toronto and Microsoft Research; Ruofan Wu, Renmin University of China and Microsoft Research; Yijia Diao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Microsoft Research; Shanbin Ke, UCSD and Microsoft Research; Haoyu Li, Columbia University and Microsoft Research; Chen Zhang, Tsinghua University and Microsoft Research; Jilong Xue, Lingxiao Ma, Yuqing Xia, Wei Cui, Fan Yang, Mao Yang, and Lidong Zhou, Microsoft Research; Asaf Cidon, Columbia University; Gennady Pekhimenko, University of Toronto
Walle: An End-to-End, General-Purpose, and Large-Scale Production System for Device-Cloud Collaborative Machine Learning
Chengfei Lv, Zhejiang University and Alibaba Group; Chaoyue Niu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Alibaba Group; Renjie Gu, Xiaotang Jiang, Zhaode Wang, Bin Liu, Ziqi Wu, Qiulin Yao, Congyu Huang, Panos Huang, Tao Huang, Hui Shu, Jinde Song, Bin Zou, Peng Lan, and Guohuan Xu, Alibaba Group; Fei Wu, Zhejiang University; Shaojie Tang, University of Texas at Dallas; Fan Wu and Guihai Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Unity: Accelerating DNN Training Through Joint Optimization of Algebraic Transformations and Parallelization
Colin Unger, Stanford University; Zhihao Jia, Carnegie Mellon University and Meta; Wei Wu, Los Alamos National Laboratory and NVIDIA; Sina Lin, Microsoft; Mandeep Baines and Carlos Efrain Quintero Narvaez, Meta; Vinay Ramakrishnaiah, Nirmal Prajapati, Pat McCormick, and Jamaludin Mohd-Yusof, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Xi Luo, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory; Dheevatsa Mudigere, Jongsoo Park, and Misha Smelyanskiy, Meta; Alex Aiken, Stanford University
6:30 pm–8:00 pm
OSDI '22 Poster Session and Reception
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Would you like to share a provocative opinion, interesting preliminary work, or a cool idea that will spark discussion at this year's OSDI? The poster session is the perfect venue to introduce such new or ongoing work. Poster presenters will have the opportunity to discuss their work, get exposure, and receive feedback from other attendees during the in-person evening reception. View the list of accepted posters.
Tuesday, July 12
8:00 am–9:00 am
Continental Breakfast
9:00 am–10:00 am
OSDI '22 and USENIX ATC '22 Joint Keynote Address
Trustworthy Open Source: The Consequences of Success
Eric Brewer, VP Infrastructure, Google Fellow and Professor Emeritus, UC Berkeley
10:00 am–10:30 am
Break with Refreshments
10:30 am–12:10 pm
Session Chair: Rodrigo Bruno, INESC-ID and Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon
Trinity: High-Performance Mobile Emulation through Graphics Projection
Di Gao, Hao Lin, Zhenhua Li, Chengen Huang, and Yunhao Liu, Tsinghua University; Feng Qian, University of Minnesota; Liangyi Gong, CNIC, CAS; Tianyin Xu, UIUC
ORION and the Three Rights: Sizing, Bundling, and Prewarming for Serverless DAGs
Ashraf Mahgoub and Edgardo Barsallo Yi, Purdue University; Karthick Shankar, Carnegie Mellon University; Sameh Elnikety, Microsoft Research; Somali Chaterji and Saurabh Bagchi, Purdue University
Immortal Threads: Multithreaded Event-driven Intermittent Computing on Ultra-Low-Power Microcontrollers
Eren Yıldız, Ege University; Lijun Chen and Kasim Sinan Yıldırım, University of Trento
Debugging the OmniTable Way
Andrew Quinn, UC Santa Cruz; Jason Flinn, Meta; Michael Cafarella, MIT; Baris Kasikci, University of Michigan
12:10 pm–1:25 pm
1:25 pm–2:45 pm
Session Chair: Jialin Li, National University of Singapore
XRP: In-Kernel Storage Functions with eBPF
Yuhong Zhong, Haoyu Li, Yu Jian Wu, Ioannis Zarkadas, Jeffrey Tao, Evan Mesterhazy, Michael Makris, and Junfeng Yang, Columbia University; Amy Tai, Google; Ryan Stutsman, University of Utah; Asaf Cidon, Columbia University
Awarded Best Paper!
TriCache: A User-Transparent Block Cache Enabling High-Performance Out-of-Core Processing with In-Memory Programs
Guanyu Feng and Huanqi Cao, Tsinghua University; Xiaowei Zhu, Ant Group; Bowen Yu, Yuanwei Wang, Zixuan Ma, Shengqi Chen, and Wenguang Chen, Tsinghua University
Tiger: Disk-Adaptive Redundancy Without Placement Restrictions
Saurabh Kadekodi, Google; Francisco Maturana and Sanjith Athlur, Carnegie Mellon University; Arif Merchant, Google; K. V. Rashmi and Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie Mellon University
zIO: Accelerating IO-Intensive Applications with Transparent Zero-Copy IO
Timothy Stamler, Deukyeon Hwang, and Amanda Raybuck, UT Austin; Wei Zhang, Microsoft; Simon Peter, University of Washington
2:45 pm–3:15 pm
Break with Refreshments
3:15 pm–4:35 pm
Formal Verification
Session Chair: Ji-Yong Shin, Northeastern University
Verifying the DaisyNFS concurrent and crash-safe file system with sequential reasoning
Tej Chajed, MIT CSAIL; Joseph Tassarotti, Boston College; Mark Theng, M. Frans Kaashoek, and Nickolai Zeldovich, MIT CSAIL
Design and Verification of the Arm Confidential Compute Architecture
Xupeng Li and Xuheng Li, Columbia University; Christoffer Dall, Arm Ltd; Ronghui Gu and Jason Nieh, Columbia University; Yousuf Sait and Gareth Stockwell, Arm Ltd
DuoAI: Fast, Automated Inference of Inductive Invariants for Verifying Distributed Protocols
Jianan Yao, Runzhou Tao, Ronghui Gu, and Jason Nieh, Columbia University
4:35 pm–4:45 pm
Short Break
4:45 pm–6:05 pm
Machine Learning 2
Session Chair: Yiying Zhang, University of California, San Diego
Orca: A Distributed Serving System for Transformer-Based Generative Models
Gyeong-In Yu and Joo Seong Jeong, Seoul National University; Geon-Woo Kim, FriendliAI and Seoul National University; Soojeong Kim, FriendliAI; Byung-Gon Chun, FriendliAI and Seoul National University
Microsecond-scale Preemption for Concurrent GPU-accelerated DNN Inferences
Mingcong Han, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, SEIEE, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai AI Laboratory; Hanze Zhang, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, SEIEE, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; MoE Key Lab of Artificial Intelligence, AI Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; Rong Chen, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, SEIEE, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai AI Laboratory; Haibo Chen, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, SEIEE, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Engineering Research Center for Domain-specific Operating Systems, Ministry of Education, China
Alpa: Automating Inter- and Intra-Operator Parallelism for Distributed Deep Learning
Lianmin Zheng, Zhuohan Li, and Hao Zhang, UC Berkeley; Yonghao Zhuang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Zhifeng Chen and Yanping Huang, Google; Yida Wang, Amazon Web Services; Yuanzhong Xu, Google; Danyang Zhuo, Duke University; Eric P. Xing, MBZUAI and Carnegie Mellon University; Joseph E. Gonzalez and Ion Stoica, UC Berkeley
Looking Beyond GPUs for DNN Scheduling on Multi-Tenant Clusters
Jayashree Mohan, Amar Phanishayee, and Janardhan Kulkarni, Microsoft Research; Vijay Chidambaram, University of Texas at Austin and VMware Research
6:30 pm–8:00 pm
USENIX ATC '22 Poster Session and Reception
The USENIX ATC '22 poster session and reception will feature posters by authors presenting their work in person at the conference. View the list of accepted posters.
Wednesday, July 13
8:00 am–9:00 am
Continental Breakfast
9:00 am–10:00 am
OSDI '22 and USENIX ATC '22 Joint Keynote Address
10:00 am–10:30 am
Break with Refreshments
10:30 am–12:10 pm
Isolation and OS Services
Session Chair: Ana Klimovic, ETH Zurich
CAP-VMs: Capability-Based Isolation and Sharing in the Cloud
Vasily A. Sartakov and Lluís Vilanova, Imperial College London; David Eyers, University of Otago; Takahiro Shinagawa, The University of Tokyo; Peter Pietzuch, Imperial College London
KSplit: Automating Device Driver Isolation
Yongzhe Huang, Pennsylvania State University; Vikram Narayanan and David Detweiler, University of California, Irvine; Kaiming Huang, Gang Tan, and Trent Jaeger, Pennsylvania State University; Anton Burtsev, University of California, Irvine, and University of Utah
From Dynamic Loading to Extensible Transformation: An Infrastructure for Dynamic Library Transformation
Yuxin Ren, Kang Zhou, Jianhai Luan, Yunfeng Ye, Shiyuan Hu, Xu Wu, Wenqin Zheng, Wenfeng Zhang, and Xinwei Hu, Poincare lab, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, China
Application-Informed Kernel Synchronization Primitives
Sujin Park, Georgia Tech; Diyu Zhou and Yuchen Qian, EPFL; Irina Calciu, Graft; Taesoo Kim, Georgia Tech; Sanidhya Kashyap, EPFL
12:10 pm–1:25 pm
1:25 pm–2:45 pm
Security and Private Messaging
Session Chair: Malte Schwarzkopf, Brown University
Blockaid: Data Access Policy Enforcement for Web Applications
Wen Zhang, UC Berkeley; Eric Sheng, Yugabyte; Michael Chang, UC Berkeley; Aurojit Panda, NYU; Mooly Sagiv, Tel Aviv University; Scott Shenker, UC Berkeley/ICSI
SHORTSTACK: Distributed, Fault-tolerant, Oblivious Data Access
Midhul Vuppalapati and Kushal Babel, Cornell University; Anurag Khandelwal, Yale University; Rachit Agarwal, Cornell University
Groove: Flexible Metadata-Private Messaging
Ludovic Barman, EPFL; Moshe Kol, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; David Lazar, EPFL; Yossi Gilad, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Nickolai Zeldovich, MIT CSAIL
2:45 pm–3:15 pm
Break with Refreshments
3:15 pm–4:35 pm
Managed Languages
Session Chair: Mihai Budiu, VMware Research
UPGRADVISOR: Early Adopting Dependency Updates Using Hybrid Program Analysis and Hardware Tracing
Yaniv David, Columbia University; Xudong Sun, Nanjing University; Raphael J. Sofaer, Columbia University; Aditya Senthilnathan, IIT, Delhi; Junfeng Yang, Columbia University; Zhiqiang Zuo, Nanjing University; Guoqing Harry Xu, UCLA; Jason Nieh and Ronghui Gu, Columbia University
Practically Correct, Just-in-Time Shell Script Parallelization
Konstantinos Kallas, University of Pennsylvania; Tammam Mustafa, MIT CSAIL; Jan Bielak, XIV Staszic High School; Dimitris Karnikis, Aarno Labs; Thurston H.Y. Dang, MIT CSAIL; Michael Greenberg, Stevens Institute of Technology; Nikos Vasilakis, MIT CSAIL
Hubble: Performance Debugging with In-Production, Just-In-Time Method Tracing on Android
Yu Luo and Kirk Rodrigues, University of Toronto; Cuiqin Li, Feng Zhang, Lijin Jiang, and Bing Xia, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.; David Lion and Ding Yuan, University of Toronto
Jawa: Web Archival in the Era of JavaScript
Ayush Goel and Jingyuan Zhu, University of Michigan; Ravi Netravali, Princeton University; Harsha V. Madhyastha, University of Michigan
4:35 pm–4:45 pm
Short Break
4:45 pm–5:45 pm
Recommenders and Pattern Mining
Session Chair: Peter Pietzuch, Imperial College London
Ekko: A Large-Scale Deep Learning Recommender System with Low-Latency Model Update
Chijun Sima, Tencent; Yao Fu and Man-Kit Sit, The University of Edinburgh; Liyi Guo, Xuri Gong, Feng Lin, Junyu Wu, Yongsheng Li, and Haidong Rong, Tencent; Pierre-Louis Aublin, IIJ research laboratory; Luo Mai, The University of Edinburgh
FAERY: An FPGA-accelerated Embedding-based Retrieval System
Chaoliang Zeng, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Layong Luo, Qingsong Ning, Yaodong Han, and Yuhang Jiang, ByteDance; Ding Tang, Zilong Wang, and Kai Chen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Chuanxiong Guo, ByteDance
5:45 pm–5:50 pm
Closing Remarks
Marcos K. Aguilera, VMware Research, and Hakim Weatherspoon, Cornell University and Exotanium, Inc.