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Wednesday, December 12, 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
The following posters will be presented at LISA '12. Posters will be on display throughout the day on Wednesday in the Grande Ballroom Foyer. Poster authors will be present to showcase their work before the sessions get underway and during the morning and afternoon breaks.
The Assimilation Monitoring Project
Alan Robertson, The Assimilation Monitoring Project
Degree Programs in System Administration
Aleksey Tsalolikhin, Vertical Sysadmin, Inc.; Ski Kacoroski, CCK Technologies
A Comparison of Test-Driven-Configuration/Infrastructure Frameworks
Carsten Kolassa, RWTH Aachen
In Place Redesign of Enterprise NTP: Lessons Learned
James Smith, Nationwide Insurance
On the Usability of High Performance System Maintenance
Alexandra Holloway, University of California, Santa Cruz
An Automatic Configuration Framework for Windows System Massive Deployment via Open Source Software Solution
Chen-Kai Sun, Wei-Hua Teng, Steven Shiau, Yao-Tsung Wang, and Yu-Chin Tsai, National Center for High-Performance Computing, Taiwan
Build Your Own Rack Monitor System by Using Arduino and Raspberry Pi
Wei-Hua Teng, Chen-Kai Sun, and Yao-Tsung Wang, National Center for High-Performance Computing, Taiwan
Putting Water into the Cloud
Alva Couch and Alex Bedig, Tufts University; Marcus Quigley, Geosyntec Consultants; Richard Hooper, CUAHSI
Enterprise Monitoring Visualization for SaaS: Lessons Learned in Developing Adobe’s Digital Media NOC
Russel W. Havens, Adobe Systems; Bret R. Swan, Brigham Young University
xutools: UNIX Commands for Processing Next-Generation Structured Text
Gabriel A. Weaver and Sean W. Smith, Dartmouth College
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