On-site Registration and Badge Pick-up Hours

You may pick up your badge or register on-site at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina, at the following dates and times:

Saturday, December 8 5:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 9 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Monday, December 10 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, December 11 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, December 12 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Thursday, December 13 7:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Friday, December 14 8:00 a.m.–noon

Training Program Registration Includes:

  • Admission to the tutorials you select
  • Lunch and refreshment breaks on the days of your tutorials
  • Training program materials and Conference Proceedings loaded on a 8GB USB drive
  • Note: Training materials will be provided to you on a 8GB USB drive. If you'd like to access them during your class, please remember to bring a laptop. If you need printed materials for your class, please select the option to receive them on the registration form.

  • Admission to the Vendor Exhibition
  • Admission to the Conference Reception
  • Admission to the evening activities on the days for which you’re registered 
  • Conference t-shirt
  • Wireless connectivity in conference session area

Technical Sessions Registration Includes:

  • Admission to all technical sessions on the days of your choice
  • Refreshment breaks on the days of your technical sessions
  • Conference Proceedings loaded on a 8GB USB drive 
  • Admission to the Vendor Exhibition 
  • Admission to the Conference Reception 
  • Admission to the evening activities on the days for which you’re registered 
  • Conference t-shirt
  • Wireless connectivity in conference session area

Workshop Registration Includes:

  • Admission to the workshops of your choice
  • Lunch and refreshment breaks on the day of your workshop

Golden Passport Registration

Do you want to take advantage of absolutely everything LISA has to offer? Then the popular Golden Passport registration is for you. Go to any session you like on any day—the possibilities are endless! Plus, get additional exclusive benefits to make your LISA experience the best yet.

Golden Passport Registration Includes:

  • Admission to all sessions, Sunday–Friday: tutorials, technical sessions, and workshops
  • Lunch and refreshment breaks, Sunday–Friday
  • Training program materials and Conference Proceedings loaded on a 8GB USB drive 
  • Reserved front-row seating with guaranteed outlet for your laptop at the Keynote Address 
  • Early admission to the Welcome Get-Together and the Conference Reception
  • Complimentary CEUs for any complete tutorials you attend 
  • Deluxe LISA ’12 Golden Passport pouch
  • Admission to the Vendor Exhibition
  • Admission to all evening activities throughout the week
  • Conference t-shirt 
  • Wireless connectivity in conference session area

Discounts Available!

In order to facilitate your ability to attend LISA ’12, we will be offering additional conference discounts and multi-day packages. (Please note: In order to receive the discounts, you must use discount codes.) From government and non-profit employees to groups of 5 or more, USENIX has ways for you to save.

Membership Discounts

USENIX and LISA SIG members receive a $170 discount; see our Special Discounts for Members page for your discount code. LOPSA members receive a $45 discount; please contact LOPSA for more information.

USENIX is committed to helping you create the conference that meets your needs. If you are unemployed or need financial assistance to attend LISA ’12, please email conference@usenix.org. Please describe your hardship situation and list the sessions for which you’d like to register.

FREE Exhibits-Only 

Want to attend only the exhibition? Register now for your free pass to the LISA '12 Vendor Exhibition. Simply select the FREE Vendor Exhibition Only Pass in the Conference Passes section of the registration form.

Exhibitor Registration

Exhibitors, please use the regular registration form to register. Simply select Exhibitor Pass in the Conference Passes section of the registration form and then continue through the form sequence. Have more than one person working in your booth? When you reach the Group Registration page, you may add additional folks from your organization to register them at the same time. 

Press Registration and Information

If you are an accredited journalist, please contact Wendy Grubow for a complimentary registration code: Wendy Grubow, River Meadow Communications, 831-626-7503wendy@usenix.org

Speakers and Program Committee Members

Please contact the Conference Dept. for registration information.

ADA Information

USENIX is committed to ensuring that our meetings are fully accessible to all persons. Find out about options and how to make a request here. To ensure that we meet your needs, please make your request by Friday, November 2, 2012. 

Conference Registration Fees

The Early Bird Registration deadline was Monday, November 26, 2012. All member rates are valid for members of USENIX, the LISA SIG, or both; see our Special Discounts for Members page for your discount code. 

Standard Daily Rate


1 day of technical sessions $405 $575
1 day of training



Standard Discount Packages


A. 3 Days of Technical Sessions $965 $1,135
B. 2 Days of Training $1,395 $1,565
C. 3 Days of Training $2,055 $2,225
D. 4 Days of Training $2,690 $2,860
E. 5 Days of Training $3,300 $3,470
F. 6 Days of Training $3,910 $4,080
G. Golden Passport



For maximum savings, combine Package A with Package B or C.


Workshop Registration Fees

You may register for workshops in addition to LISA '12 or on their own.

1-Day Workshop Fee $180
Half-Day Workshop Fee $90


Registration Fees for Full-Time Students

USENIX offers full-time students special low registration fees for LISA '12 that are available at any time.

1 day of technical sessions $150
1 day of training* $200

*A limited number of tutorial seats are reserved for full-time students at this very special rate. Students must reserve their tutorial seats before registering.


Attention, students! Please note that there are no student rates for workshop attendance; however, student grants may apply to workshop attendance. Applications are due Monday, November 5, 2012.


Refund/Cancellation Deadline:
Monday, December 3, 2012

Substitutions are always welcome. If you must cancel, please do so by Monday, December 3, to receive a full refund. Please log into Cvent and enter your confirmation number to cancel your registration. After December 3, your cancellation/refund request must be emailed to conference@usenix.org.

USENIX Conference Department
2560 Ninth Street, Suite 215
Berkeley, CA 94710 USA

Phone: 1.510.528.8649
Fax: 1.510.548.5738
Email: conference@usenix.org